Saturday 27 May 2017

Favorites of the month April 2017

Favorite Routine: Tone it Up’s  Daily Moves

Do you work out at home? Or, do you WANT to workout at home because you’re too lazy to go the gym? Don’t worry, Tone it Up’s K&K has you covered! I too, like many of you, used to be too lazy to go the gym or a fitness studio. So, I started working out at home. I used to design the workout routines for myself, but soon I got bored of doing that too. I have been following Tone it Up since a couple of years. I started following their ‘Daily Moves’ 3 months back and I must say, workouts have become more Fun since then. With these daily moves, I don’t have to worry about how am I going to workout each day and also, you don’t get bored to follow the same routine for a month or week. 
Add a shortcut of this link on your home screen to keep reminding you to work out every day.

App: Grammarly

As the name suggests it helps us to correct our grammatical mistakes that MS Word spell check sometimes doesn’t detect. While I write my blog posts, Instagram posts or professional emails, I use Grammarly to detect silly mistakes and to make sentences effective.
You can download the Grammarly HERE

Favorite food: Mango!

I always prefer eating whatever is in season! And the best things you get in Summer are, none other than Mangoes! HERE is everything you need to know about Mangoes. Happy Eating Mangoes this summer!

Video: Elizabeth Gilbert & Marie Forleo on Fear, Authenticity and Big Magic

I have mentioned both Marie Forleo and Elizabeth Gilbert on my blog previously. Marie Forleo’s MarieTV was in my favorites of the month last time. Elizabeth Gilbert is one of my favorite authors, who wrote ‘Eat, Pray, Love’, ‘Big Magic’ and many other wonderful books. I have written a whole 'book reading experience Big Magic’ and it has impacted me in a very positive way to keep creating and living a creative life. I recommend this book to everyone always. 
When I saw two of my favorite personalities in one video, I knew it’s going to have a lot to offer. It’s a little too long, but you will surely gain a lot from it. And if you have read the book, you are going to enjoy it a lot! Watch the video Here!

So that's it for this month! If you like this post make sure to press that G+ button! Share this post with someone you love and care about because Sharing is Caring!

Much Love!
Chitra Takle XOXO

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