Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Plan your year!!

Hello there!!

I Hope all of you are doing great this holiday season! You know what?? I love December! It feels something magical is about to happen. In Mumbai (India), it just starts getting colder and we get a break from our “All time hot Summer”!!! Wind just start feeling amazingly pleasant, sunsets and sunrises become more colourful (and this continues till February).

Apart from all the lovely changes in the weather there is more to this month and that is the ‘wait’ for the upcoming New Year!! YouTube posts ‘YouTube Rewind’ and all the newspapers (& TV programs) start reviewing about Politics, Films, Fashion, Good and the Bad events, Statistics and lot more that took place in the whole year. By the end of last week of December we start getting to know what are exciting things coming up in next year in same areas through social media.

So, I think, this is the time we should also start Reviewing our own life, because the this is the best time to do it. Well, sometimes it doesn’t feel good to look back at bad things that happened, but let’s face it; we should learn from our mistakes, take a lesson and move on!! If you haven’t moved on from those unpleasant things… well, get your mind moving from there because it isn’t helping you anyway, isn’t it??? But we are not here talk about negativity, are we? So let’s just research little bit about how you can have the best year!

 A year back I saw a video, and believe it or not I was amazed by the results! The video was posted by Robin Sharma On his YouTube channel, where he takes you through five steps to have the best year of your life. 

The five steps had many questions to be answered and I am listing some of them here:

1)      What wins do I need to celebrate from past 12 months? (Celebration)

Where you write your achievements, success and Memorable moments from past 12 months. This basically helped me to pat my own back and feel motivated to do even better in the coming year. 

2)      What are three life lessons I learned from Past 12 months?

Seriously, I had to take a moment (actually several moments ;) ) and think harder, frame my learnings and then write it down. When I read the sentence I wrote, I was amazed! It sounded like some tumblr quote! But really, it came straight out of my heart and brain. I pat my back again !!

3)      What were your best practices when you achieved your best results? (Education)

When I wrote this down, I just came up with the strategies that make me more productive! I came up with things that get the work done out of me. I came to know what mind set should I have when I need to achieve something.

4)      What are going to be the Big 5? (Clarification)

This was like setting up goals for your year. But Robin Sharma called it “Big” 5! Doesn’t mean the goals have to be really big like “I want to have million dollar in my bank account by end of this year” But probably one Essential step towards having those million dollars.

5)      Creating a plan to achieve Big 5. (Graduation)

This made me think what all steps I can take to make Big 5 achievable. I made a master plan where I decided what i was going to do in every month (as suggested by Robin Sharma). That gave me a clear vision and an idea what I need to do and how I need to do.

6)      Visualize. (the last step)

This step involves visualizing changes in your life when you achieve the Big 5’s; which also includes making a vision board and watching it every day to stay focused. (If you need help regarding the vision board you can visit my previous blog “Make a Vision Board!”)

And there! I had my plan ready! I felt so much ready for the next year. Now the question was, will this work?? Throughout last year, I kept executing my month by month plan ( well not exactly …. But some things were here and there.)  When I came down to this December; I found out that 99% of the things were done!! Seriously…. 2015 was the best year of my life! I did the same thing this year too, but I am making sure I share this experience with as many people as I can!!

 Amazing thing about this exercise was, I had to write it down on the paper. One of my friends told me to always write down things with my own hand. Writing down brings clarity in mind and when you write it down, things on the paper and things on your mind sync very well and you come up with clear ideas/thoughts/plans/conclusions.

To plan your year with Robin Sharma, checkout the following link:

I would also recommend Alex Ikonn’s video on same topic which is even more sorted:

If you want help to create a vision board, visit my last blog:

To visit Robin Sharma’s blog:

To visit Alex Ikonn’s website:

Much Love,
Chitra Takle. 

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